There aren’t too many things that are more fun or more relaxing than kayaking and paddle boarding. A calming, sunny afternoon, good friends, and plenty of peace and quiet. Kayaking and paddle boarding are perfect hobbies for those who enjoy mixing relaxation with some physical activity.
These outdoor activities are great but the equipment can be difficult to store if you’re not well equipped. You can’t just leave a kayak in your truck bed for months on end and just tossing it in the garage or shed can look terrible and potentially ruin it.
For storing your kayak or paddle board over the winter, your best bet is to purchase a Wall Mount Conversion Kit for your lift and storage rack (lift and rack sold separately). As long as you already have a “DockSider” Rack, these wall mount brackets are great for anyone who owns their own kayak and/or paddle board.
With the brackets included in the conversion kit, you can mount your lift and rack right on your garage wall and safely store your equipment 20 inches off the floor, allowing you to keep other items underneath and maximize your storage space. Designed for easy installation and secure winter wall storage, when kayak season is over, you can mount your rack to the wall of your shed, garage, or spare room and keep your kayak or paddle board safe.
This wall mount conversion kit comes with aluminum wall mount brackets and stainless-steel hardware. Simply secure these brackets onto the wall – either inside or outside –making sure they’re 32 inches apart, preferably on wall studs. Then mount your “DockSider” lift and storage rack to the wall and you’re all set. Don’t be unprepared at the end of this kayak season. Keep your equipment protected all winter long! Pick up some mounted kayak wall hangers for your “DockSider” Rack today.
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